Sabin's 2015 Spring Cleanup will take place on Saturday, May 30 from 10 am to 2 pm, at Maranatha Church. The church is located at NE 12th and Skidmore. This event is a fundraiser for Sabin Community Association projects, so we request a donation of $20 for cars and up to $50 for trucks.
Accepted materials:
Not accepted:
Reusable items will be donated to community organizations:
Not sure if an item is in good enough condition to donate? Bring it and we'll sort it for donation, recycling or trash.
What: discussion of affordable housing advocacy possibilities w/Oregon Opportunity Network
When: Thursday, June 5, 6:30-8:30pm Where: NECN Office at King School - 4815 NE 7th Ave. Oregon ON is a statewide coalition of community development and affordable housing organizations, which is currently developing a campaign to advocate for "new, significant and sustainable resources for affordable housing and anti-poverty services in Multnomah County." Executive Director John Miller will join us to talk about this new campaign, and how we can get involved. We will also get updates on the work areas that were identified at our last meeting: Coalition-building: This sub-committee has prepared a draft letter that we can present to our various neighborhood associations and other community-based organizations, asking them to endorse our objective of increasing the stock of affordable housing. We will review and revise this letter, and discuss a plan for presenting it to our organizations. Identify specific advocacy opportunities/campaigns: There are two immediate opportunities for advocacy that have come up in recent weeks: 1) A proposal by Commissioner Saltzman to dedicate funds from a lodging tax on short-term rentals (e.g. Air BnB) to affordable housing; and 2) The allocation of $20 million for affordable housing in the Interstate Corridor Urban Renewal Area. We will discuss how we want to be involved in these two issues.
Help bring food and hope to hungry schoolchildren in our neighborhood! Invite your friends and family to join us for an afternoon of song, celebration and packing lunches for neighborhood kids.
Sing folk & freedom songs with NE Portland musicians Day Old Pastries, and hear a great Gospel singer and saxophonist. There will be special Dr. King-related activities for kids, led by Concordia University student leaders. WHEN: 1-3 pm, on Monday JANUARY 20, 2014 WHERE: Maranatha Church, at NE12th Avenue between Skidmore & Mason Please bring a can of soup, chili or ravioli to donate. Come be a part of the great things happening at the Sabin Community Orchard! It’s not orchard weather right now, but we’re already gathering our team of Orchard Stewards for the coming season. Orchard
Stewards are volunteers who help maintain the orchard, learn about basic fruit tree care and build community with their neighbors. No experience is necessary to become an Orchard Steward, though gardening or orchard experience is a plus! Orchard Stewards commit to:
Call 503-284-6106 or email [email protected] with ‘Sabin Orchard Steward Interest’ in the subject line to get your application. Completed applications are due by January 20.
Sponsor: Alameda Neighborhood Association
Date and Time: Oct 31, 5-8:30pm Location: NE 28th between Dunckley and Bryce FAQ: * Is this activity appropriate for my small kids? You bet! * Will there be free candy? Yes, loads! * Can I volunteer to help out? Yup, right here. Do you have ideas about how to make our community more resilient and more sustainable? We hope you'll be part of the new Sustainable Sabin team. For more info, contact Diane Benson at [email protected].
The Sabin Community Association will soon kick off a revamped "welcome" program that entails hand delivering a welcome letter to new residents of our community. In addition to welcoming our new neighbors, the letters describe ways to become involved in neighborhood activities and include discount coupons for
more than a dozen local businesses, as a way to introduce new residents to the vibrant array of Sabin-located and Sabin-owned businesses. We’d love your help! If you’d like to welcome our new neighbors, please email Michelle at: [email protected]. |
September 2023