Below is a complaint that the Sabin LUTC submitted to the Bureau of Development Services on February 13, 2021, regarding deviations from the approval conditions for the duplex being built at NE 15th and Fremont. ![]()
Below is the decision of the Landmarks Commission approving the proposed duplex at NE 15th and Fremont. ![]()
Below is the comment submitted by the Sabin Community Association LUTC regarding the proposed duplex at the SE corner of 15th and Fremont. ![]()
We've received notice that the owner of the lot at the SE corner of 15th and Fremont is proposing to build a duplex on it. This lot is in the Irvington Historic District. This proposal will be discussed at the SCA's Land Use & Transportation Committee meeting at 7 pm on November 4, at 3612 NE 17th. There will also be a public hearing at 1:30 pm on November 18, at 1900 SW Fourth Avenue, Room 2500B. Testimony will be accepted at the meeting, or comments can be submitted before the hearing (by mail or fax, NOT email) to Bureau of Development Services, 1900 SW Fourth Avenue, Suite 5000, or fax to 503-823-5630. For further details, see the notice below, or contact the LUTC chair, Rachel Lee. ![]()
We have received notice that the owner of the lot at the SE corner of 15th Avenue and Fremont intends to apply to divide the lot to build two attached houses. There will be a pre-application conference at 10:30 AM on Thursday, January 10, downtown at 1900 SW 4th Avenue, 4th Floor, Room 4a. The public is invited to attend and discuss this proposal with the developer. For further information, please contact the Sabin LUTC chair, Rachel Lee, or: 1. The developer, Thomas Johnson, at 503- 679-3047; or 2. The conference coordinator, Jean Hester, at 503-823-7783. ![]()
Below is the comment that the Sabin LUTC submitted to the City in support of the proposal at 1217 NE Mason. ![]()
The Sabin LUTC has received a proposal to demolish and rebuild an expanded front garage at 1217 NE Mason. The applicants are requesting adjustments to the required front, side, and garage entrance setbacks and to allow a garage wall to be 27 feet closer to the street than the longest street-facing wall of the house. This proposal is on the agenda for the next meeting of the LUTC, at 7 pm on Monday, November 5, in the Mt. Bachelor conference room at the Whole Foods on 15th & Fremont. If you have feedback on this proposal, please contact the Sabin LUTC Chair, Rachel Lee, or submit a comment on the proposal directly to the City at [email protected]. The deadline for comments to the City on this proposal is November 13, 2018. ![]()
Below is the City's decision on the application to partition the corner lot at 1735 NE Skidmore. ![]()
The Sabin LUTC has received a proposal for altering an existing garage at 1612 NE Klickitat to elevate it by approximately 18 inches, construct a new concrete garage underneath it, extend the structure to the rear (south) by 5 feet, and convert it into an accessory dwelling unit. The applicant is also requesting a modification of the east setback from 5 feet to 2 feet. This property is within the boundaries of the Irvington Historic District and therefore must go through the historic review process. If you have feedback on this proposal, please contact the Sabin LUTC Chair, Rachel Lee, or submit a comment on the proposal directly to the City. The deadline for comments to the City on this proposal is 5:00 pm on April 4, 2017. ![]()
The Landmarks Commission modified the administrative decision to approve the proposal for a house and detached garage on the lot to be created by partition of an existing double corner lot at 2011 NE Siskiyou. A copy of the Commission's decision is below. ![]()